Introducing Liz’s Lab Book Club

Welcome back! We are excited to announce the initiation of the B3 Book Club. The goal of our book club is to engage with science content in a fun way that prompts critical thinking and intellectual growth beyond the bench.


Here’s how it will work. For each of four meetings a year, one of our lab team will select a book and act as book club “host” for the season. The book selected will be focused around important science-related topics. This can range from books exploring neuroscience content, to memoirs written by leading scientific innovators, to general issues facing the field of science, to texts that support professional development, and beyond. While the rest of the team reads the book, the “host” will prepare a presentation in which they summarize the main take-aways of the text, source related media (i.e., articles, videos, talks, etc), and poses 3-5 thoughtful questions for discussion with the group. Then, the group will meet over coffee and treats to talk about the book, share our perspectives, and consider what the book’s implications mean for our lab and for the broader scientific community.


And this isn’t just for our lab team. The B3 Book Club is open to anyone! In fact, we plan to invite the authors to attend to offer their insights; who knows, maybe some will say yes! So, our B3 Book Club schedule will be posted online on our website, B3 Book Club blog posts will be open to public comments, and there will be a link for folks to join us virtually.


So grab your reading glasses, fill up your favorite mug, cozy up on the couch with a fluffy blanket, and join us for a lively discussion about science. We hope to see you there; in the meantime, stay curious!

Dr. Liz Engler-Chiurazzi

Dr. Liz grew up swimming and surfing in southern California, earned her Psychology PhD in Arizona (Go Sun Devils!), and launched her neuroscience research laboratory in West Virginia (Go Mountaineers!). Beyond the bench, Dr. Liz is mom to the most amazing human, partner to her longtime spouse, a neuroscience outreach guru, a Spanish-speaking travel-loving foodie, and a roller derby diva.


B3 Book Club - May 1st @ 11:00 am


Hello and Welcome!